Happy New Year 2024: A Look Back at 2023

January 1, 2024

Hello, and welcome to the first blog post of 2024! πŸŽ‰

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a great start to the new year!Β  I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year and to thank you for your continued support and trust in LoneSync, the digital experience studio and platform.

2023 was a remarkable year for refocusing and zoning in on developing features and services to help you create and manage digital services.


Here are some of the highlights of what we did in 2023:

-Introduced Web Studio, the digital experience design platform that helps you create and host your own unique and authentic website, with features such as a flexible and intuitive drag and drop editor, inspiring designs, responsive design, global color theme, photo gallery, free stock images, and more.

-Expanded domain offerings, adding more than 50 new domain extensions, including .io, .design, .energy, .ca, and .co, to help you find the perfect domain name for your online brand.

-Enhanced Anycast DNS service, the DNS solution that provides you with fast, reliable, and secure domain name resolution across the globe, by adding more DNS servers, improving routing algorithms, and implementing advanced security measures.

Zoned in to become a Digital Xperience Studio and launched the DX Guide, the DX Advisor, and the DX Consultant, the one-on-one tailored DX insight services that help you work in-sync, get guidance, and develop strategy for your web services.

There is still more to tailor, but very much looking forward and have many exciting plans and projects for 2024, and can’t wait to share them with you.

Thank you for choosing LoneSync as your digital experience partner, and wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2024! 😊


Chad Lone